Many in this age are addicted to their empathic skills, using it constantly to feel into others’ energies.  It is often considered a beneficial superpower and talked about in hushed tones as to how ‘sensitive’ these people are, or how sensitive you feel.

Yes, this empathic skill set can be useful in ‘reading a room’ or aiding you with your work or dealing with clients, family members, friends or partners, however, what happens when you become so focused upon it that you are living in that state every moment?

You are living external to the self and your focus is always upon what the external or what the other is doing and how it is affecting you.  Could you also be invading their personal energy boundaries in order to read them, understand them or even manipulate them?  Think about it.

In the empathic state, your focus is not on your internal and your true power.  When you do end up focusing internally you are focusing on how the external is affecting you or reading the impact of the external through your internal sense and feeling.  This is all to the exclusion of actually going within and being present with your own feelings from your true core – not your feelings about the feelings you are receiving from the external, or about how sensitive you are feeling or how assaulted you are feeling from everyone else’s energies.

It is also very easy to determine the feelings of others as your own feelings because the discernment of who owns the feelings becomes blurred.  Your commitment to the empathic state as a constant in your life leads to a muddying of your energies, and entangling with others energies and a difficulty in accessing your own wisdom.

The bodies (light, energy and physical) get tired and the ability to stay in the physical body and be present with the self becomes compromised because there is too much stress, chaos and entangling of energies within.  This has the flow on effect of magnifying your own emotional responses out of proportion and creates chaotic bursts of energy leading to such states as depression, anxiety, rage, tantrums or even a complete shutdown of self.  It puts the energetic systems into a hyper alert state that is disintegrative to your energy bodies and shuts down far more useful skill sets such as intuition and personal wisdom.

So, is it a superpower?  Or is it something that we may rely upon far too much that actually diminishes our ability to be present, to be who we truly are and access our inner wisdom?  An empathic person is often energetically quite flimsy, not robust and powerful.  A wise person who has access to their true core and inner wisdom is often quite strong, present and able to hold their sense of self against against outside influences.

What is it you want to be?

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