It is happening now and will continue, stay in each present moment and expand into each present moment, fill it with your presence, with your love, with your peace and with your satisfaction.

Each present moment is perfect and holds all that is ever needed. Breathe into the moment, stop projecting into the future and allow the present moment to fulfill all that you need and fuel you into the next moment and the next moment, each one pregnant and empty.  Filled with all you need and offering the opportunity of emptiness and everything to create the future you dream of.

Engage with the moment as a present point of infinite potential and possibility. What do you breathe into it? What do you dream of in the present moment?  The moment holds all potential; pregnant with possibility and empty of expectation it is the perfect imperfect and all that you need.

Breath into it and explore who you are and where your mind is directed.  The present moment of now is your answer and your question.  It is what you know of, what you talk of and what you miss.  It is what you seek and what you are always in nonetheless.  So what are you seeking? It is here! It is always here!  You are here.

The present moment is not something you can find, you are already in it, with each breath, with each thought, it is now now now.  So there is nothing to seek, there is nothing to claim, there is simply the memory of what is all around you all the time.

The present moment of now as the infinite moment of now expanding and contracting time as you focus and lose focus, bring yourself back to now as the creation moment of all that you are, all that you desire and all that is.  Expanding contracting, like the breath of God, like the breath of you.  Expanding contracting and holding all potential possibilities all tech needed to co create your own outcomes, your own desires.

It is simply just by breathing, just by being, you are immersed in this time of now, this present moment, always asking and offering the questing of what now what now what now? What do you create?

Breath again, the stillness is here, you are the stillness.

The present moment of now, of infinite and finite time, now always exists, and yet it never exists.  It is the ultimate dichotomy; powerful and non-existent as you always seek the future and always move into the future.  Now is the state of stationary movement.  The now that doesn’t exist and yet is permanent and eternal.

Breath and be here now. Draw your attention to the present moment and breathe. Consider what it is you desire. Feel it and breathe.  Smile into it and breathe. Allow it to ripple through and fill the present moment of now; breath again and feel it.  The zero-point creation moment of now is the most powerful tool for co creating your reality.

Stay in it.

Return to it.

Engage with it.



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