Awakening is not something that happens to you – it is something you do!
Many believe and share the teaching that awakening is an event that occurs to you. It is something you are waiting for, hoping for and it happens to you as a consequence of heaven, the Earth, angels or even aliens delivering to you some type of rescue or vibrational upshift. Like the clouds part and a beam comes through and shines upon you, delivering upshifting energies and enlightening and awakening you. It is done to you, offered to you and you must be good to receive it. You must be one of the good ones, aligned with the right people or organisations, one of the chosen ones. But that’s all that is required – just intend to be a good person and wait to see if those beings from on high choose you to deliver awakening to you.
To my understanding, this is not the truth!
Awakening actually comes from personal effort, self-responsibility and self-healing. It is true that it involves a shift of frequency (an infusion of higher frequency energy if you will) but this ‘infusion’ or shift is rarely (if ever) delivered to you as an event from those on high. The body cells need time to shift their vibration to handle changes in frequency – it’s a 3D thing, coded into the DNA, that ‘change takes time’ – it’s possible this is a lie in our DNA, but lie or not, most people are operating from this DNA coding which means that a sudden surge of frequency delivery such that you are taken from current state to enlightened awakenment of a master being (as many new age teachings suggest) means there will be difficult consequences for you – cellular breakdown and psychological dysfunction.
Awakening is actually a process of self-healing through self-responsibility and self-observation, owning your actions, motivations, feelings, thoughts and words and correcting, upshifting and healing them as necessary to allow the cellular, psychological and spiritual structure to get used to holding higher frequency.
As you adjust and heal your thoughts, words, behaviours and actions what you are actually doing is dissolving blockages, old programs and limiting belief systems, in your circuitry that stops flow – you could think of it as a kinked hose, which limits the flow of water and once unkinked the rate of flow, the pressure and the amount of water that can pass through increases too.
It’s the same in you – as you pay attention to the self and upshift your actions, words and behaviours AND heal the thoughts, programs and belief systems behind them your vibrational flow shifts and lifts. The more you do, the more your flow becomes unimpeded and this has a corresponding magnification and dissolution of further makers, impediments and restrictors. In other words, the more you focus on it, the more your own vibrational flow contributes to clearing, healing, dissolving and resolving the blockers and stoppers (the kinks in your own hose).
So whilst awakening is not a specific event that happens to people (for the most part) and even if it was you’d likely combust or disintegrate on a cellular level from the frequency disparity from infusion, it does get easier and easier with a kind of magnification effect whereby you do not need to deal with one trauma at a time and over time eventually deal with each trauma – it may start this way (one at a time) but with each healing you shift your base level holding frequency and as this lifts over time the higher frequency automatically dissolves, brings to the surface or neutralises, discordant frequencies and belief systems ie dramas traumas wounds that hold you in a state of discordance with the desired state of peace, ease, joy, healing and awakenment.
So, what does this mean?
It means; don’t sit around waiting for the angels to deliver your awakenment – it is not an event that occurs to upshift you and rescue you from the world, the darkness and your unhappy, uncomfortable, unhealed thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. It is a self-healing, self-responsible, ongoing personal journey of continuous improvement of self, choosing to become more healed and less driven by and motivated by, owned by, your dramas, traumas, wounds, faulty programs and limiting belief systems, those ties that keep you bound in misery and repeating cycles of unfulfillment. Of course this ‘journey’ of the self is supported by and applauded by those in the unseen that you engage with – but they do not do it for you! (For an allegory about this, please read: The Magical Acorn)
Stop sitting around blaming circumstances and others and waiting for the magical rescue and start taking self-responsibility and doing the little bits of self-healing that you can do where you are at – you will find with each sovereign self-honouring and self-healing action you take, things get easier and life flows better.
Awakenment is not delivered to you – it is awoken from inside of you as a consequence of you owning who you are and your own behaviours and working through that to truly heal and upshift it. It is not an event it is the result of many small actions of self-forgiveness, self-observation, self-correction, self-healing, self-nurturing and ultimately and overall self-responsibility.