Sharing glimpses of knowledge and understanding for creating your realityContrast: Its Roles and Responsibilities
The basis of our world is such that when you choose to pursue something, when you choose to create a circumstance in your life, you get the whole of it and the whole of it includes its contrast. This idea is often called duality.
We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know
We don’t know what we don’t know: The concept is simple; the engagement of it and enaction of it can be slightly trickier. . .
The Hologram: A Living System
As a living dynamic engaging system, the matrix or hologram will reflect back to you the thoughts, beliefs and programs as well as the expectations you have.
Personal Sovereignty and Creation
In life, when you operate with your head in the sand, your head in the clouds or just in plain ignorance or dismissal of any of the influences around you, any of your contributions to your own state of being; you mostly operate from the ego, from the submissive heart (victim), or from the tainted heart (victimiser).
Creation and the Moment of Now
It is happening now and will continue, stay in each present moment and expand into each present moment, fill it with your presence, with your love, with your peace and with your satisfaction. Each present moment is perfect and holds all that is ever needed. Breathe...
Empathy – A Superpower?
Many in this age are addicted to their empathic skills, using it constantly to feel into others’ energies. It is often considered a beneficial superpower and talked about in hushed tones as to how ‘sensitive’ these people are, or how sensitive you feel. Yes, this...