What is personal sovereignty and how does it aid in you co-creating the life of your dreams?

In life, when you operate with your head in the sand, your head in the clouds or just in plain ignorance or dismissal of any of the influences around you, any of your contributions to your own state of being; you mostly operate from the ego, from the submissive heart (victim), or from the tainted heart (victimiser).

What does this mean?

It means that you are not being present in your life and choosing your direction, you are in the throes of being directed by other influences such as your anxiety, your desire to be pleasing or liked, the desire of another being for you to be a certain way. None of this is actual self choice from the true inner you.

When you do this you do not operate in sovereignty, in presence and in empowerment with the knowledge of when you are heading off course, when you are being influenced, when you are allowing yourself to be corrupted by your own ego or by external sources, and if that happens, how to get yourself back on course again. This is an extremely common state for the human to be in – the lack of knowing the true self and honouring your own choices and desires is rampant.

There is no recrimination, no blame, no shame and no castigation in any of this. There is no need for having to ‘make amends’ or ‘pay your dues’ in life, you are already owed sovereignty, it is your birthright, it has just been removed from you and your consciousness. You may have been detoured or detoured yourself from being the kind, compassionate person you are at your core, but just by being born you are not subject to having to make amends or pay your dues. There may be strong influences in your life, in your society or culture that encourage you to be a certain thing or act a certain way, but, the pressure is from people, it is not generated from the core of who you truly are, nor does it come from the Source of all that is. The truth is you choose to be detoured from a state of not believing you are enough.

The fallacious concept that humans generally operate from is often the idea that you owe your family, you owe your church, you owe your government, you owe your God, you owe your friends, your teachers, your gurus to be a certain way, to make certain sacrifices of self, to neglect your own personal needs, choices and/or direction. Who is it that you think you owe?

Perhaps you don’t owe anyone anything except your gratitude for their part and input in your life and your growth into the you you are becoming? Perhaps you are here to be you without emulating or creating yourself in the image of anyone else?

The knowing of how to be sovereign, what it really is and all that impinges upon it, often gets removed from you or blurred from your understanding through childhood conditioning and other sources, this can happen to such an extent that you may see it, you may recognise it and remember it one day, but you will find it veiled from you another day. This is often the act of the hidden, unseen or buried influences, be they psyche issues, ego issues, personality issues, or actual energetic or entity issues – whatever your belief systems allows this is the way that you could think about it.

It doesn’t really matter how you view it, how you think about it or what the influences “really are”; what matters is your state of presence and the knowing of when you are off course or honouring an attitude, aspect or belief system that is not reflective of, not immersed in and coming from, the pure heart-spaced, absolute love oriented and compassionate being that you truly are. Not the victim, not the martyr, not the slave and not the bully; the true you in empowered presence of love, forgiveness, compassion and peace.

Your aim as an incarnate human is to remember who you truly are. Remember the power of your belief systems and your mind. Remember the power of your sovereignty, autonomy and choice, and act on it.

Choose and create what is right for you.

Life is always about personal choice and sovereignty.

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