Energetic Hygiene

Clearing your Space and Creating Spiritual Boundaries

Cord Cutting and Personal Spiritual Cleansing

What is Energetic Hygiene?

Why is it important?

How do you enact it?

Your Energetic Hygiene is just as, if not more, important as your personal hygiene.

During this short course I’ll show you how to take care of your own Energetic Hygiene, enhancing your mood as well as providing you with the tools to do so!

Topics Covered:
  • what is energy and spiritual hygiene hygiene?
  • what are the signs that your space needs to clearing?
  • how does your energy, your space, get disrupted, blocked or messed up?
  • dealing with your own energy and lifting your mood
  • cleansing your dream-space – clearing nightmares
  • cording, harnessing and disruption of your emotions and desires
  • personal healing tech for anxiety and depression
  • analysis of Earth Breathing and it’s use for personal healing of pain and discomfort

This course also includes:


  • PRISMs (Prayer Revocation Invocation Self-Meditation) to dissolve cords and clear dream-space
  • A technique to aid in moving bad moods, anxiety, darkness and up-shift the self
  • Earth Breathing activation meditation for clearing your own cords, fortifying your energies and uplifting your mood

When:  TBA

Time:  6pm to 7.30pm

Venue:  Online Skype Group

Investment:  $145

Notes and Disclaimers

Pre-Requisites:  None.  You do not need any experience or history in the esoteric, nor in manifestation or energy work.  Come with an open mind, come with an exploring spirit, and come with a desire to know more, be more, engage and create more as the sovereign being you were born to be.

Experience:  This is a short course occurring over approximately one hour and includes teaching and sharing about energetic hygiene as well as any needed Q&A time.

Refunds:  All payments for this Course are non refundable except at the discretion of Pure Care Wellness or its officers.

Outcomes:  There is no guarantee of any specific outcome from this course and as such there is no refund offered for the student not receiving their hoped for outcome.  What you get from this experience will be reflected by what you put into it.  This course is structured to be informative and engaging for each student and delivered at a level that all will understand.

Questions:  If you are unsure if this course is for you please contact me.  If you feel you’d like to do the course but have any concerns about any aspect including payment, please contact me and we can see what’s possible.  Contact Me.


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