What I Do

I help ___________ (fill in your ideal customer), who struggle with ___________ (fill in their immediate pain/problem) to achieve _____________ (fill in the result they will get) by ____________ (fill in how you will help them achieve it).

My Philosophy

This is where I describe my guiding philosophy and approach to what I do. To edit this I need to go to Dashboard->Projects->All Projects->Hover over What I Do and choose “Edit.” Then I need to scroll down and find the grey box called “My Philosophy” and click on the 3 lines at the top to open the Edit window.

My Methods

This is where I describe the methods I use and type of services I offer. To edit this I need to go to Dashboard->Projects->All Projects->Hover over What I Do and choose “Edit.” Then I need to scroll down and find the grey box called “My Methods” and click on the 3 lines at the top to open the Edit window.

My Goals

This is where I describe the goals I want to achieve with my work for my customers. To edit this I need to go to Dashboard->Projects->All Projects->Hover over What I Do and choose “Edit.” Then I need to scroll down and find the grey box called “My Goals” and click on the 3 lines at the top to open the Edit window.

Full Remote Session

Full Remote sessions involve a healing and aligning energy session followed up with an email report on the session.  Most people experience a sense of feeling refreshed and rebooted along with a diminishing of personal pain.

Video/Journey Session

Video healing sessions are held online and consist of energy healing, clearing, balancing and counseling or a personal healing journey depending upon your individual needs or your personal choice.

Soul Aspect Retrieval

A Soul Aspect Retrieval session is a video session focused upon retrieving and reintegrating the soul aspects of you that would most aid in your healing and evolving of self at the time of the session.

Package of 5 Sessions

Five video sessions to help you get the best price for  your own personal healing journey.  When purchased as a package these sessions are paced as per fortnight and have a 'use by' date associated with them.

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